

Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I can't believe the new year is less than a week away! This year has seriously FLOWN by! Luckily I have a lot to look back on with fond memories. I may not have gone on any awesome vacations or done anything super awesome, but I definitely had some great times! I had fun going on a weekend camping trip with Mike, going to St. George with my dad, I was lucky and got to see Mike on almost every big holiday this year, I had fun mini adventures, made new friends, laughed a lot, tried new things, started going to the U, started a little business with my sister, read some amazing books with my goal to read 52 in a year, moved out, learned some new recipes, met one of my favorite singers (andrew mcmahon) and got to see my other in concert (taylor swift) and just lived life in a fun way! I'm excited to make some new resolutions for this year and to try and continue some of the ones I made for 2011. I'm excited to see what 2012 has in store for me! (hopefully some great stuff!)
Bring it on 2012!
Love Neil Gaiman.              .
oh yeah, and I'm not going to let my dreams be JUST dreams....they're going to be reality!
happy new year! 
good luck on all those resolutions!

Friday, December 23, 2011

here's to traditions big and small.

Merry Christmas!!
I can't believe Christmas is two days away! It has all passed so quickly. I want the next two days to just slow down a little so I can enjoy them! Christmas Eve is my favorite day of the year and I'm so excited to be able to see Mike again for it! I was also invited to have Christmas dinner with his family. This will be a FIRST! This will be the first time in the 4 Christmases we've been together that I will get to see him on Christmas! I think that's all I need for a good Christmas!
I'm excited to spend some time with my siblings tonight and tomorrow for our holiday traditions. Tonight we will sleep under the Christmas tree and watch the muppet's version of the Christmas Carol. Tomorrow, Khemia and I will make some festive sweaters, we will go see a Christmas Eve movie, eat lasagna, drive around and look at Christmas lights, play games, and read a Christmas book together. These traditions are ones that I treasure and look forward to every year. I'm glad I am able to spend time with my family and make some new memories with them. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season! 

Sunday, December 11, 2011

tis the season

Pinned Image
I'm so excited for Christmas! I love this time of year! Now that finals are over, I can finally enjoy the month of December! I'm excited to do all of the fun holiday activities! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I love, love, love, love December! It is one of my favorite months. I love Christmas and seeing all of the lights on people's houses, trees, in windows, temple square; the works! I love baking delicious treats and watching fun Christmas movies...I just love it all! I made my winter list last week and I'm so excited for finals to be over so I can start working on it. I am most excited to go to temple square, see the elves at Gardner Village, go ice skating, to make awesome sweaters with my sister, sleep under the Christmas tree on Christmas Adam and of course, Christmas Eve!
I love seeing people this time of year! Everyone is so friendly, giving, and willing to serve. Everything changes this time of year, and I think for a few weeks, the world changes. This is the only time I actually enjoy snow, it's beautiful! (but only in the month of December).
Anyway, I'm procrastinating instead of studying for finals, so maybe I should go look at some stats or something. I hope where ever this finds you, you're having a wonderful holiday season!
meeting Santa Claus