This man...
is my best friend,
the love of my life,
my team mate,
and in four months,
he will be my HUSBAND!
And I couldn't be more excited :)
Our night started here....
I've been sick, so I requested Zupas so I could eat some delicious soup; which I did.
Next, we went here....
This is the park where we had our first kiss. We walked around the park and then found a spot underneath a tree to lay a blanket out. Mike was pretty anxious and kept playing with his camera and video recorder on his phone. He kept taking silly pictures of me and we just sat around and talked for awhile. While he continued to play on his phone, I decided to lay down. After a little while, he poked my leg and pulled me up to my knees and looked me directly in the eyes. I won't bore you with the whole "speech", but he told me he loved me and he was tired of having me be his girlfriend (romantic right.....? haha) he went on to explain that it was tiring because we'd been dating for so long and it was time to start the next chapter. He said all that was left was one thing. He pulled a knee up, and asked me if I would marry him. :) I nodded my head (don't have much of a voice right now) and gave him a huge hug.
It seems so crazy! We've talked about this for a long time and it's finally here! It didn't even seem real, but it was absolutely perfect!
After, we celebrated like any couple would on the day that The Hunger Games DVD came out....
By going to Walmart, buying this movie and watching it!
And this, is what we came home to,
Love my family!
Such a perfect night!