

Sunday, December 22, 2013

One year of marriage.

Mike and I have officially been married a year! So crazy! At times it's been so hard! We're rarely home at the same time and when we are, we're both exhausted. That has probably been the hardest thing. But school is over until august so maybe that will change! Even though things get hard, it has been the best year! I could never imagine what it would be like to live with mike and even if I tried, I wouldn't have gotten it right. It is unlike anything I thought it would be. [he is a slob!-I was warned, but had no idea what I was getting myself into] that being said, it's wonderful having him by my side while I'm sleeping, laughing at the silly little things, and I love having someone who will go out and buy me root beer and donuts weekly. 
People have asked me if I'm sick of him or regretted getting married (in jest of course) and I far from regret it. Being married is hard-I've known mike almost 10 years and felt so confident it wouldn't be as hard as people say, but it is. However, it's also the best experience ever! Even when we get into little fights, we kiss and make up. We're best friends and confide in each other our annoyances, things that are making us sad, happy, whatever. We are both in this relationship for the long haul and we work for a good marriage everyday. I love mike so much and I am so glad to be his wife. I see how hard he works and appreciate it. I also know he sees what I do and that he appreciates me. Our marriage is far from perfect and probably never will be. And that's okay because we're both willing to work for it. 
Here's to many more years together! 

Monday, December 2, 2013

Christmas time in the city.

I love this time of year! I love how giving and friendly people are. I love the twinkling lights, the music, the traditions, spending time with loved ones, and it's the only month I'm okay with snow. 
I've been enjoying this holiday with music, festive movies, visits to see lights, and by re-reading the story of Christ's birth. Sometimes I think we take Christ out of Christmas. This is the perfect time to remember all He has done for us. 
So far this month has proved to be a good one. :) 
Our Christmas tree. 
So proud of the stocking I made for mike! 
Christmas lights at the temple. 

Happy holidays