

Sunday, November 30, 2014

November: books 86-93

I can't believe I have one month left! One month and seven books! It's such a crazy thing to me that I've read 93 books and close to 20,000 pages this year! My love for reading continues to grow with each book I pick up! 

I'm not sure how I can possibly top this for next year! Any suggestions on a new reading goal??? 

Also, I want to read some Christmas books in the month of December, any suggestions? 

This month I read eight books, 

86. A streetcat named bob- James Bowen 
87. Love walked in- Marisa de Los Santos 
88. Zac and Mia- AJ Betts 
89. Every day- David Levithan 
90. Amy and Roger's epic detour- Morgan Matson 
91. The here and now- Ann Brashares 
92. Heaven is here- Stephanie Nielson 
93. Jellicoe Road- Melina Marchetta 

This month I really enjoyed reading: 

Zac and Mia 
This book is about two teens with cancer. It's similar to the fault in our stars. 

Amy and Roger's epic detour 
I loved that this book included playlists! This was such a fun read and made me want to drive cross country! 

Thank you to everyone who gives me recommendations! I always enjoy hearing what other people are into reading! 

Wish me luck on my last month to reach 100! 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Travel Wall

I love to travel! I have so many places on my list to go. I wanted to find a way to display the wonderful opportunities I've had to travel. I decided on a travel wall. I went to my local Michael's, bought a world map, some paint, and wooden frames. I printed out a few of my favorite pictures from abroad, and I was ready to go! I plan to add to my wall as I travel. You could keep your wall simple by adding one picture per country or trip, or add a bunch from each place you've been. I chose to keep our wall simple and don't even have a picture from every country we've been to. 

I love my wall! When people come over they ask about it and I get to share my adventures as well as listen to other's travel experiences.