

Monday, February 29, 2016

2.16 review

The other day I saw this statistic: 

45% of Americans make resolutions, but only 8% keep them. 

This is so sad! How are your resolutions going? It's not too late to make them-or start if you haven't. In fact, there's still 10 months left to have your best year yet! 

So here's my breakdown of February: 

Go to the temple: I went twice in February and have been 4 times total this year. (4/24)

Run a half marathon: I ran the Phoenix half on Saturday! I PR'd by 5 mins which is awesome! I have come so far in the last two months and I'm very proud of my progress. 

...speaking of running, 

Run 200 miles: In February I ran 86 miles! So I am at a grand total of 160 miles! 

Complete the 2016 reading challenge: This is the goal I'm not succeeding in. This month I only read 1.5 books. So I'm still behind, but I'm confident I will be able to catch up. (4.5/52)

I'm really happy with how this year is going. I'm really happy in general. Looking, and I mean actively looking and creating happiness has made such a huge difference for me. There has been something happy in each of my days over the past two months. 

My life isn't perfect, and this year has been far from perfect, but at least I can look back and say I have been truly happy. And really, isn't that all that matters? 

Here's to a JOYFUL March! 

Thursday, February 25, 2016

An ode to running.

don't know about you, but I am so happy when I take the time to take care of myself physically. 

To me, that equals running. 

It was 3-4 years ago that I really discovered running and about 2 1/2 years ago that I realized how much I love it. 

This year I've mentioned my overarching goal is to choose to be happy and to look for the happiness all around me. Two more specific goals I made were to go running for a total of 200 miles + run a half marathon. I'm really excited about my progress on these goals and have noticed a significant improvement on my overall happiness well-being. 

So why do I love to run so much? 

There's something so wonderful about lacing up those running shoes and getting out in the fresh air that may be hard to understand if you're not a runner, but let me do my best to try and explain it. 

It's just you and the road. You're free to listen to music that really speaks to you and drives you to push yourself harder. You're free to think and let your mind wander. Your lungs burn, but somehow you've never felt better.  You have the fresh outside air and the warm sun beating down on you. You're free. You can choose which direction to go and for how long. You see things from a whole new perspective and you appreciate the little things the world around you has to offer. 

I love to run and I love how alive it makes me feel. It doesn't matter if it's 1 mile, 5, or 10; running gives me complete happiness in ways not many other things can. 

*image by Khemia Popa 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

L is for love.

February is always a good month for me to focus on improving my marriage. Because, let's get real, marriage is hard and it's not perfect. 

I don't have an easy, picture-perfect marriage, and I probably never will, but that's okay, because I have someone who fights for us even when I don't. 

So this month I made some marriage improvement goals: 

Spend more quality time together
Sure we hang out and are in the same room together, but we don't spend a whole lot of time actively being together. 
We've been working on this by really talking to each other more, playing games, baking/cooking together when able, and eating dinner together when able. 

Remind him why I love him.
Everyday I've been writing a reason why I love him. So simple, but we all need a reminder sometimes. 

Show him my love
Mike's love languages are physical touch and acts of service. He's been getting lots of back massages as a two in one. In general I've tried showing him my love for him based on his love languages. Read more about love languages here. 

Speak kindly
Self-explanatory, but speak with words I want to hear. Changing the way we talk to each other makes a huge difference on how we treat each other. 


Does this make our marriage perfect? No. And some days are better than others. But I've noticed when I step up my game, he steps up his too. 

In celebration of Valentine's Day next week (because it's my favorite holiday) here's a fun little questionnaire:  

1. Where did you meet your other half? 
At cub country...Indy's Egyptian Treasure

2. How long have you been with your significant other? 
7 1/2 years 

3. If you're married, when did you say "I do"?
December 20, 2012

4. What song did you walk down the aisle to? 
We got married in the temple, so no walking down the aisle, but our first dance was to Ours by Taylor Swift 

5. Do you have any children yet? 
Just our puppy, who most definitely is our baby. 

6. What's your favorite thing about your other half? 
He's dedicated. 

7. Were you and your other half high school sweethearts? 
He was a senior in high school when we started dating, does that count? He wasn't mine, but maybe I was his. ;)

8. Where was your first date?
At the movie theater...we saw the dark knight 

9. How long were you dating before you said "I love you"? 
We said I love you as friends before we started dating. I said it and meant it after about 5 months, he was about 7 months. 

10. How long were you dating your other half before he/she proposed? 
4 years 

11. Where is your favorite place you have traveled with your other half?
We have been blessed to travel to many places together, but my favorite so far would be Italy. 

12. How do you and your other half usually spend Valentines Day? 
Dinner and then come home to watch Valentine's Day 

13. What does your favorite 'date night' consist of? 
Date night for us is usually take out and Netflix. My favorite dates though are when we get out and do something new! 

14. What is the best gift you have received from your other half?
Probably my wedding ring. 

So lucky to be in love with my best friend

Happy love month! ❤️❤️❤️