

Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Well it was bound to happen eventually. May has been a blur and I pretty much accomplished 0 goals. It's okay though, right? I still have the whole second half of the year to get where I want to be. Nobody is perfect and I don't ever want to claim I am perfect at accomplishing my monthly milestones. I can only hope I will catch up some other time. 

Man, May was so busy! I finished up at my job, we had my in-laws come and we were able to take them to Sedona. Mike graduated, we moved back to Utah, and I went to Europe. So busy! But it was good. I had so many happy moments and I only wish time would've slowed down just a little so I could've enjoyed it more. 

So here's my's going to look pretty similar to April's, but it's okay! June is a new month and I'm ready to take it head on! 

Run 200 miles: my mileage count is up to 311 miles! (I am so disappointed I ran less than 30 miles this month)

Book challenge/read 52 books: I am on book 16, so way behind schedule! Guys. I read ONE book this month. One. What. The. Heck. I'm hoping to read between 6-7 books in June. What's a book that has made you cry??

Get a job that uses my master degree: I am currently applying for any hook-ups, let me know! 

Travel somewhere new: London + Romania was so wonderful! It went by all too quickly. Lisa and I spent less than 48 hrs in London, but crammed in so much! We had 5 days in Romania and were able to see a lot as well. I will post all about our adventures. 

This summer I want to visit some other new places, but they will be more local. I specifically want to visit zions. Any recommendations for other fun Utah adventures? 

Attend the temple 24 times: I have been 11 times. It was so hard going to the temple here in Utah. I loved living 10 minutes away from the temple in Mesa. It was never busy and I could always walk right into the sessions. I'm apparently very spoiled, because driving 15-20 mins to the temple seemed like such an inconvenience (insert eye roll here). With some new temple changes, I'm for real (seriously guys) in the market for a new dress. It needs to happen asap. This week I will be shopping around for one. Any favorites? I still want lace. Preferably no zipper. 

Next month I will be running a half marathon and I have another one scheduled for September. Anddddd in October I will be running my first marathon. I'm excited and terrified. And very motivated to keep up with my training. 

We are hoping to be able to get into a house early this fall and after we're settled, we will probably start the licensing process for foster care. 

I'm so happy to be back in Utah. My whole soul just feels complete again. I feel like in Arizona I really had to try to find happiness, here I am just happy. Looking at the mountains makes me happy. Being with my family makes me happy. Greenery makes me happy. I'm so happy and full of joy to be home. I can't wait for a wonderful summer full of my favorite traditions and new adventures.

What summer plans are you most excited for? 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Summer list

Utah summer is my favorite time of the year! I am so excited to be back in Utah for this summer. So excited! I've been working on my summer list, what am I missing?? And who wants in on all the adventures?

The we are finally back in Utah summer list! ☀️

1. Backpack to lake Blanche ⛺️
2. Smores 
3. Zions (👼🏼's landing)
4. Eat a bajillion snow cones 
5. Find a new hike to do 🏔
6. Adventure in June, July, August 
7. Farmers market! 
8. Chalk festival 
9. Lone star 🌮 
10. Drive in 🚗
11. Bike ride 🚴🏽
12. Go swimming 🏊🏽

Here's to a fun and adventurous summer! 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

4.16 review

Well the first 1/3 of the year is over, but it's never too late to work on those 2016 goals! For all of you [who are not] mathematicians out there, there's still more than half of the year to get going! 

This month I wanted to dedicate more time to reading. I ended up reading 6 books! I'm trying to catch up to where I should've got to start somewhere! 

I also set a push-up goal for April which I was able to finish! 

All in all, April was a long, exhausting month, but I didn't give up and continued to work for all I want to accomplish. 

So my progress for the month of April: 

Run 200 miles: my mileage count is up to 283 miles! 

Book challenge/read 52 books: I am on book 15, so 4 behind schedule. My goal is to read 6 again so I will only be down by 2 at the end of May, and caught up by the end of June. 

Get a job that uses my master degree: I am currently applying for any hook-ups, let me know! 

Travel somewhere new: London + Romania is 2 weeks from tonight! We have come up with a travel itinerary and are ready to go!! 

Attend the temple 24 times: I have been 9 times. I'm hoping to go twice before we move. My heart is going to miss the Mesa temple forever. It is my haven here. 

Also, I still want a lace temple dress...does anyone know of one?? I have found a couple that I would be okay with, but I'm not completely sold. 

The rest of my goals will come later in the year, but I am truly excited to see where they take me. 

Now that it is May, summer is right around the corner...I am thrilled I will be back in Utah and my summer list is already in the works. I'm hoping for adventure and mountains all summer long. 

Actively looking for happiness has been the best thing for me. I have so much joy in my life and am so thankful for all I have. Some days it's easier to find the happy moments, but they are there. Every day. 

Happiness is a choice, and don't you forget it!