

Monday, May 3, 2010

A little sad for SUMMER

      So it's May. Officially. Life is such a blur; I can't seem to keep up. This whole year has passed by my eyes without me realizing it. I'm usually so happy about summer coming too fast, but this year I sorta wish it would come slower. Don't get me wrong, I'm SOO excited for the warm weather and the sun being present everyday, but I just like where my life is right now and I'm not sure where I'm going to be in September and it scares me a lot. I know it probably shouldn't, but where am I going to work, will I make enough money to pay my bills, will I get to do everything I want to do before December, and will I still get to see my best friend on a semi regular basis? And my nanny kids??? I'm going to miss them like crazy; more than I'm even letting myself think about. It's funny, everyone tells me the best birth control is watching kids all the time...for me, it's the opposite; I can't wait to be a mom! I love watching a child learn...especially from something I've taught them. I think this is why I enjoy teaching preschool so much. To see them talk about something I've taught them makes it so worth all the headaches and sometimes annoying/upsetting thoughts. That's another I still going to be working in a preschool in September?

   On a positive note, I leave Utah in 5 days. Vacation couldn't come at a more perfect time...except for the fact that it's absolutely terrible timing with upcoming events! I just hope it's warm and not rainy while I'm there, that would make me grumpy! I'm very excited to go to the country music atmosphere and know all the bigs in that world started there. Also, I'm a huge Nicholas Sparks fan and to go where his movies are filmed makes me smile....the settings in them all are spectacular!

   OHHH!!! I won 2 VIP tickets for the Living Planet Aquarium from the Scout o Rama!! That was exciting! Also at the Scout o Rama, I took my picture by a way cool Bumblebee look a like...Mustang style that is! Abby and I went on our annual sunrise walk this morning. It was absolutely perfect! My day was great right from the get go and on a Monday, who can ask for more? I'm glad I have a best friend who likes to do stuff like that too. It was fun just sitting up on the hill and seeing the sun come out while talking..we're pretty great at that. (expect pictures from that later on)

me next to the cool mustang!

Mike and me after paper mache making

 Abby and me at one of the wedding showers she had.

Anyway, that's a peak of life in my world.

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