

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Book worm.

I finished 2013 off by reading 48 books! In 2014, I plan on reading 100 so I need all the suggestions I can get!! 

Here's what I read the second half of 2013:

27. Running with the Kenyans- adharanand Finn
28. Breaking night- Liz Murray 
29. Having our say: the Delaney sisters first 100 years- Sarah and A Elizabeth Delaney 
30. June bug- Chris fabry 
31. The fault in our stars- john green 
32. Divergent- Veronica Roth 
33. Insurgent- Veronica Roth 
34. Allegiant- Veronica Roth
35. Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet- Jamie ford 
36. The Paris wife- Paula McLain 
37. The tigers wife- tea obreht 
38. Life of pi- yann Martel 
39. A farewell to arms- ernest Hemingway 
40. The secret life of bees- sue monk kidd 
41. A moveable feast- ernest Hemingway 
42-48. The Harry Potter series- JK Rowling 

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