Just over a month before the thanksgiving point tulip festival half, I decided I wanted to enter. I was running solid and felt like I would be able to do it no problem. So I payed the $75 and signed up.
There have been so many bumps in the road during the last month, I don't know if I even remember them all. I got a cold from training in the rain, my car battery died and I was so busy that week, I had to walk the two miles to and from work which gave me insane shin splints. My shoes reached their limits and gave me severe foot, leg/knee, and hip pain so I spent $130 and replaced them. I loved my new shoes on my first long run! They were amazing! And then they gave me blisters. So many blisters. I couldn't wear them anymore. So I went back to two year old shoes (if you run, you know that's desperation!) I had to buy new running clothes to accommodate early spring morning running, and then a new shirt when I saw the forecast for rain. My inhaler ran out so I spent weeks running up hills without one. Luckily, I was able to use my mom's for race day so I wouldn't have to get a new one quite yet.
I went out of my way to run up hills to be ready for what has been called one of the hardest, if not hardest, half marathons in Utah.
Then came race day. And with it, rain and the worst pain on the side of my knee. Each mile I counted down and told myself "I got this!" The course itself was not too bad because I had prepared so much for it. It was wearing old shoes which caused pain shooting from my knee to my hip that did it for me. (The rain and cold were not so fun either)
This sounds like I'm complaining. Poor me, it was so hard.
I'm not complaining. (well maybe a little...) but I have never been more proud of myself for making and fulfilling a goal. I worked my butt off and kept going even when it got hard. I ran those 13 miles today and never gave up. When I crossed the finish line and was handed my medal, I knew I had earned it. I ran hundreds of miles getting ready for this, at least 20 a week, and I can honestly say hard work pays off!
I can't wait for my next half-this time hopefully it will be out of the rain!!
Runners high and beyond freezing.
I was so determined to go back into the gardens to get a picture with my medal where I ran. I huddled in a blanket the whole way.
A big thank you to my dad who would drive me home after running to their house, my brother for going running with me, my sweet husband for all of his support even when I kept spending money just to run, my mom for constantly taking care of my blisters, and my whole family for listening to me complain, be excited about my progress or anything else about running.
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