

Sunday, January 31, 2016

1.16 in review

In the last couple of weeks, I've seen this all over Facebook and Instagram:

I've decided that my 2016 starts again on February 1st...
This was a trial month. 
Anyone else?

I'm so relieved this isn't me! {but it's okay if it's you} 
I've hustled this month to get going on my 2016 goals. 

Here's my breakdown:

Go to the temple 24 times: In January I went to the temple twice. (Mesa & Gilbert) 
Run a half marathon: In January I registered for two half marathons (one in February and one in June)
Run at least 200 miles: In January I ran 74 miles! 
Travel somewhere new: In January, I purchased my airfare to London & Romania (I'm going in May!)
Complete 2016 reading challenges (52 books): I'm behind on this one, but read 3 books in January. 

Some of my goals, like getting a job which will use my master's degree, buying a house, and starting the process to becoming a foster parent won't happen until later on in the year. 

Along with my goals, I've been recording happy moments each day and have already noticed such a big difference! Nothing really has changed, but I am so much happier.  

I'm excited for what February has in store for me. I feel so good when I'm doing the things I love and working towards my goals. 

If your January was a bust, don't give up! You still have 11 months to reach your goals. And if you haven't thought of any yet, write some down! Start small, keep track of your progress, and reward yourself for your accomplishments. You've got this! Make 2016 your year! 

Thursday, January 21, 2016

How cool is it

Last week I stumbled upon this quote on Facebook: 

I haven't been able to stop thinking about this quote ever since I saw it! 

God created everything in heaven and earth, including me. After creating heaven and earth, day and night, oceans, and animals, God made men and women after His own image. Each of us are here because He created us to be. 

I know that God loves me, but how amazing is it that knowing my talents, abilities, goals, etc. He CHOSE me to come down to this earth because He knew I was needed. I was created with a purpose. He knew that with my abilities I could make a difference in this world {even if it's just my little world}

It makes me so happy to know I have a loving Father in Heaven who wants me to be here and who knows me so comprehensively. 

We all have our own special talents and abilities, and the fact that we're all here and able to enhance those skills to help others is pretty cool. 

I am needed & YOU are needed! And that is cool. 

*imagine design by Khemia Popa 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

complaining never was happiness

If you've been following my blog at all, you know I've made it a goal to be happier this year. Except, I keep finding myself complaining. Over everything. But what I don't get, is if I want to be happier, why am I complaining so much? Complaining is not going to make me happy. And almost always just makes me feel bad. And icky.

So why do we {I} complain?

Possible reasons could include:

~to vent frustrations
~vocalizing frustrations often gives validation
~jealousy of others

For me, I think I'm a complainer because I want validation.

"You're tired because you went on a run? That's awesome you even went!"

"You had to work late? That does stink!"

"You got another nail in your tire? Wow, you are so unlucky."

etc. etc. etc.

But do I really need to complain to be validated?


Will complaining make me look better?


Will complaining make me feel better?


Complaining is not going to get me anywhere. It will give me and anyone I'm around a negative attitude and outlook on life. And really, who wants to listen to me complain??

So I decided to read more about complaining. The best piece of advice I read, is to pay attention to when you're complaining. Are you tired? Hungry? Around certain people? Figure out what those triggers are and then fix it so you're complaining anymore. So to do this, I'm going to try and write down what I'm complaining about and what's going on in the moment I'm complaining. I'm hoping by being in-tune to what's going on, I will be more likely to make a change and stop complaining for good. 

Not complaining anymore is important to me because people who don't complain are generally more happy, more enjoyable to be around, have a better outlook on life, are healthier, and more successful. {all things I want to become}

I want to radiate joy and to do so, I need to actively make a choice to stop complaining and more fully enjoy all of the blessings I have!  

From now on, I'm going to talk about the things I love, and zip my mouth about the things I don't.

Quote image: Khemia Popa

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I CHOOSE to be happy!

Happiness is a choice; but sometimes it's hard and takes practice. This year my overarching goal is to become happier.

Happiness is defined as: a state of well-being and contentment.

How great would it be to be in a continual state of well-being and contentment??

Well, I've decided that's exactly the kind of state of mind I want to be in! To develop this skill and become happier, I will be doing more of what makes me happy and finding the happiness in every day. Happiness is all around me, I just need to open my eyes and look for it.


Whenever people ask me about my hobbies, I typically respond with: hiking, running, reading, and traveling. I enjoy each of these four activities and from now on want to spend more time on them. I've made goals to run a half-marathon and a total of at least 200 miles, I will be reading 52 new books, traveling somewhere new {Romania}, and plan to spend all summer hiking in the mountains I've missed so much. 

While some of these goals may sound like work and not things that would make you especially happy, I know for me, there is not much I like more. While my goals are specifically for 2016, I hope to make these changes habitual to become lifelong practices. As I turn my focus and spend my time, energy, {and often money} on the activities that I love so much, I know I will be happier. My best memories come from doing the things I love, not sitting around watching TV or idling my time away. 

Second: I want to stop waiting! I've been waiting to be a mom, to own a house, to have a good {paying} job/for Mike to have a job, to travel the world. I wait for sunny days, Saturdays, holidays, summer; and all these things I believe will give me happiness. But I need to STOP waiting. My life is happening NOW. When I look back, I don't want to remember all the time I wasted by waiting, I want a life full of good memories and happiness. I have committed to change my way of thinking and look for the happiness each and every day. 

Sometimes I'm sad. Sometimes I get down on myself. Sometimes I get angry. And sometimes, I complain. {My inner Harry Potter nerd is about to come out} But as Dumbledore said, happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. Sometimes I might have to dig deep and look for the happiness in my life, but I know it's there. To get better at recognizing it, I was inspired by a co-worker to keep a day planner and each day write a few things that I found happy about the day. This exercise has already changed my outlook on my life. Even on the bad days, I am still able to write 2-3 things that made me happy throughout the day. Sometimes it's as simple as meeting my daily step goal, today it was attending the temple. Ultimately, I know if I stop waiting for my happy moments {or what I think will be my happy moments} I will recognize all that I do have that makes me truly happy. 

By changing my outlook on life and creating an atmosphere of happiness, I know I will be able to handle anything that comes my way. 

Today, and everyday, I choose to be happy. 

**Images created by Khemia Popa**

Saturday, January 2, 2016

2016 reading challenge

Now that I am done with school, I made it a goal to start reading for fun again. This year I've decided to do a reading challenge, which will include reading 52 books. In years past, I've read over 52 books in a year, but this year will be different because I have to follow the prompts instead of picking any random book. I will not be going in order of the prompts and the rule is, no re-reading a book I've already read. 

As always, all recommendations are welcomed! 

2016 Reading Challenge 
• A book with more than 500 pages
• A classic romance
• A book that became a movie
• A book published this year
• A book with a number in the title
• A book written by someone under 30
• A book with nonhuman characters
• A funny book
• A book by a female author
• A mystery or thriller
• A book with a one-word title
• A book of short stories
• A book set in a different country
• A nonfiction book
• A popular author’s first book
• A book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet
• A book a friend recommended
• A Pulitzer Price-winning book
• A book based on a true story
• A book at the bottom of your to-read list
• A book your mom loves
• A book that scares you
• A book more than 100 years old
• A book based entirely on its cover
• A book you were supposed to read in school but didn’t
• A memoir
• A book you can finish in a day
• A book with antonyms in the title
• A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit
• A book that came out the year you were born
• A book with bad reviews
• A trilogy
• A book from your childhood
• A book with a love triangle
• A book set in the future
• A book set in high school
• A book with a color in the title
• A book that made you cry
• A book with magic
• A graphic novel
• A book by an author you’ve never read before
• A book you own but have never read
• A book that takes place in your home town
• A book that was originally written in a different language
• A book set during Christmas
• A book written by an author with your same initials
• A play
• A banned book
• A book based on or turned into a TV show
• A book you started but never finished

Join me on this reading challenge!