

Friday, November 4, 2011


Life is so good! I'm thankful for everything I have and all the opportunities I get to experience! A couple weeks ago, my all time favorite band came to SLC; Jack's Mannequin. My dad and brother called me the night before to tell me that Andrew (the lead singer) was going to play a special pre-show free show. I searched and searched until I found the information, and boy was I glad I did! I went with Mike, Matt, and Abby and we had an AMAZING time! Andrew only had time to play 4 songs, but it was totally cool! We were right up front, heard his lovely music, were able to meet him, take a picture with him, and get his autograph. I love Andrew's music and I was so excited to go and meet him and just enjoy his music.
I also had a fun Halloween. Me, Lisa, and Khemia dressed up as the Kardashians and we had the men in our lives be their significant others. It was so much fun to dress up like them! We had fun at my parents house for a fun Halloween party the Friday before Halloween. On the actual day, I had to take a horrific stats test (not thankful for), but Mike and I went to his parents house and we had a good time watching "House on Haunted Hill" with his parents and decorating a haunted house.
I'm in the middle of getting ready to apply for grad school (still can't believe I graduate in May!!!!), it's kind of scary. The U only takes about 12 people a year for their program and I'm pretty sure it's the only place I'm going to apply at. I'm going in with the attitude that if I don't get in, it will be okay, but I'm still hoping I do. If not, I will just look into taking a few more classes so I can get a Family Life Educator certificate. I guess we'll see what happens. 
I'm excited for next semester, I have 4 electives and I'm excited to take a couple of awesome classes. I love going to school and really learning about the things I want to use for the rest of my life. I'm so glad I decided on the major I did because I know it will help me and my future family!
I'm excited to finish up my fall list and to add things I hadn't thought of. It's crazy it's almost time to make a winter list! Time flies by too quickly.
Happy November! I hope to post more and include things that I'm thankful for!

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