

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I can't believe tomorrow is already Thanksgiving! I'm sitting in a quiet house, working on a load of homework so I can take tomorrow off (or mostly off) and just enjoy being with my family and loved ones. I will be one of the first to admit Thanksgiving is not one of my favorite holidays. I have always said there shouldn't be one day for people to be thankful for the things they have (and I know you can say that about any holiday), but regardless of how much I love food and eating, it's a holiday I could skip and be okay with missing. This year, I wanted Thanksgiving to be different. For once, I wanted to look forward to the day and not just black friday shopping right after. I've tried really hard to be aware of all of the things I have in my life this whole month rather than just on one day. What a difference it has made! For the first time, I'm actually excited for Thanksgiving! 
I am so grateful for all that Heavenly Father has given me in this life. I have an amazing family, great friends, I have the opportunity to get a good college education, a place to live, good food to eat, money to save, more clothes than I need, my talents, a cute niece and nephew to make me smile everyday, the gospel, the best boyfriend and best friend I could ever ask for, and so much more! 
I realize I am the minority when it comes to how many blessings I have. I have more than I need to get me by each day and I'm so thankful for all of the little things that get me through the day a little easier by having them in my life (my car, shoes, a backpack, water bottle.......) I think what I want to take from this Thanksgiving is an attitude of gratitude. I don't want to be one of those people who only remembers what I have and how lucky I am on one day out of the whole year, or someone who only sees what I have until it's gone. I want to recognize all that I have and be thankful for it each day. Maybe I won't pig out on turkey, stuffing, green bean casserole, and pie everyday, but I want to treat everyday like it's Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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