

Friday, February 28, 2014

Reading, month 2

February is in the books! Wow, I didn't even mean to do that...

Actually, I didn't read as much as I wanted this month. I got the stomach flu for a week and I couldn't even sit up in bed, so reading took a backseat. I also wanted to focus on books about love, relationships-fiction or nonfiction. And that didn't happens fully either. But that's okay, life happens and there are no rules with this. Well not really. 

16. The forgotten garden- Kate Morton 
17. The notebook- Nicolas Sparks
18. Assisted- John Stockton 
19. The end of your life book club- Eill Schwalbe 
20. Pride and prejudice- Jane Austen
21. The seven principles for making marriage work- John M. Gottman 

Half of these I had already read before, but my favorite was the forgotten garden. I would definitely recommend it to anyone! In fact, I loved it so much, I'm picking up another Kate Morton book tomorrow! 
Assisted was also great! If you like sports, it's a great, quick read! 
I would NOT recommend the end of your life book club. 

So far I have three books lined up for march. What's your all time favorite book? Tell me about it! 

I'm going for at least 8 books in March! 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Going off sweets.

Yep, that's right. I'm going off sweets for the month of March. Anyone who knows me, knows this will be near impossible. I'm highly addicted to sugar and not a day goes by without enjoying some type of treat. 

Why am I doing this? 

For a few reasons:
1- I like to challenge myself and simply want to know if I can make it a month without my sugary treats. 

2- It's getting out of hand how much my little household spends on sugared treats (I'm trying to convince Mike to do this with me)

3- I want to start eating better to ensure I have more energy and see other ways it will positively affect me. 

So what all am I cutting out? 

My main purges are donuts, candy, and cookies, but I'm cutting everything out. Obviously there will still be sugar in some of what I eat, but no more cake, pies, cookies, soda, donuts, candy, blah blah blah. If it's coated with sugar, it's out. 

Am I going to reward myself?

I wasn't going to, but I decided if and when I do it, I'm going to buy myself a fun new running shirt. 

So...any yummy all fruit recipes, send them my way. My plan for this challenge is to eat more fruit. 

Wish me luck! 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

January Reading List

January is officially over and I made great strides to achieving my goal of reading 100 books by reading 15!!! 

1. The cuckoo's calling- Robert Galbraith (JK Rowling)
2. Warm bodies- Isaac Marion 
3-9. The chronicles of narnia- CS Lewis 
10. The dog stars- Peter Heller 
11. Ender's game- Orson Scott Card
12. The mermaid chair- Sue Monk Kidd 
13. The five love languages- Gary Chapman 
14. Belly laughs- Jenny McCarthy 
15. Marley and me- John Grogan 

My favorite from this month was the chronicles of narnia. I read them so quickly and was captivated by each story. 

February is all about love. And I'm so excited to get started today!