

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Going off sweets.

Yep, that's right. I'm going off sweets for the month of March. Anyone who knows me, knows this will be near impossible. I'm highly addicted to sugar and not a day goes by without enjoying some type of treat. 

Why am I doing this? 

For a few reasons:
1- I like to challenge myself and simply want to know if I can make it a month without my sugary treats. 

2- It's getting out of hand how much my little household spends on sugared treats (I'm trying to convince Mike to do this with me)

3- I want to start eating better to ensure I have more energy and see other ways it will positively affect me. 

So what all am I cutting out? 

My main purges are donuts, candy, and cookies, but I'm cutting everything out. Obviously there will still be sugar in some of what I eat, but no more cake, pies, cookies, soda, donuts, candy, blah blah blah. If it's coated with sugar, it's out. 

Am I going to reward myself?

I wasn't going to, but I decided if and when I do it, I'm going to buy myself a fun new running shirt. 

So...any yummy all fruit recipes, send them my way. My plan for this challenge is to eat more fruit. 

Wish me luck! 

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