

Friday, February 28, 2014

Reading, month 2

February is in the books! Wow, I didn't even mean to do that...

Actually, I didn't read as much as I wanted this month. I got the stomach flu for a week and I couldn't even sit up in bed, so reading took a backseat. I also wanted to focus on books about love, relationships-fiction or nonfiction. And that didn't happens fully either. But that's okay, life happens and there are no rules with this. Well not really. 

16. The forgotten garden- Kate Morton 
17. The notebook- Nicolas Sparks
18. Assisted- John Stockton 
19. The end of your life book club- Eill Schwalbe 
20. Pride and prejudice- Jane Austen
21. The seven principles for making marriage work- John M. Gottman 

Half of these I had already read before, but my favorite was the forgotten garden. I would definitely recommend it to anyone! In fact, I loved it so much, I'm picking up another Kate Morton book tomorrow! 
Assisted was also great! If you like sports, it's a great, quick read! 
I would NOT recommend the end of your life book club. 

So far I have three books lined up for march. What's your all time favorite book? Tell me about it! 

I'm going for at least 8 books in March! 

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