My friend did this book interview and I just had to steal it from her.
A: Author you've read the most books by? Either J.K. Rowling or Dan Brown
B: Best sequel ever? The Harry Potter series
C: Currently reading? The secret keeper by Kate Morton
D: Drink of choice while reading? I don't usually drink while reading, but I guess water?
E: E-reader or physical book? I wish I loved reading on the kindle or i-pad, but I don't. I read so much slower and don't enjoy books as much that way. I definitely like physical books more.
F: Fictional character you probably would have dated in high school? Hmmm. I didn't read a lot of "fun" books in high school, but maybe Will from the Last Song??
G: Glad you gave this book a chance? Unbroken. I was a little hesitant because it took me awhile to get into, but I absolutely loved it! I was also hesitant to read The Delaney Sister's book and loved that as well.
H: Hidden gem book? I think there are way too many. So recently, The forgotten garden.
I: Important moment in your reading life? A few years ago when I decided I needed to read more and made it a goal to read 52 books in a year. Since then, I have fallen completely in love with books and have to read at least a little everyday.
J: Just finished? A girl named was okay
K: Kinds of books you won't read? Anything with Vampires. GROOOOOSSSSSS
L: Longest book you've ever read? Harry Potter
M: Major book hangover because of...? The Hunger Games, I dreamt of killing people for a long time.
N: Number of book cases you own? 3
O: One book you've read multiple times? Harry Potter. Another book I read once a year is The Happiness Project
P: Preferred place to read? Either in the bath or in bed
Q: Quote that inspires you /gives you feels from a book you've read? "You should always be taking pictures, if not with a camera, then with your mind" -Warm Bodies
R: Reading regret? Sugarhouse: A memoir....hated it.
S:Series you started but still need to finish (all books are out)? The Ender's Game series...I need Mike to upload them on the kindle.
T: Three of your favorite books? Okay, besides HP? hmmmm....This changes at least monthly, so right now; The Forgotten Garden, The Book Thief, annndddd The Perks of Being a Wallflower
U: Unapologetic fan-girl for? Harry Potter. Always Harry Potter
V: Very excited for this release more than others? How about J.K. Rowling's next book? haha, I don't really know.
W: Worst bookish habits? Reading instead of cleaning the apartment
X: X marks the spot, start at the top of your book shelf and pick the 27th book? I'm not at home, but probably one of Mike's, his books go lower on the bookcase.
Y: Your latest book purchase? I'm starting to buy books on my i-pad for my trip in May and I just bought Forrest Gump for $2!
Z: Zzzz-snatcher book (the last book that kept you up way too late)? While I was sick and couldn't sleep at night because I was sleeping all day, I stayed up reading The end of your life book club. And only because I wanted to read my next book. I actually hated that book.
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